I realize that one of the main routes to high(er) self esteem is self care. And I am aware that self care doesn't really have to be all that difficult, and yet I don't really do much of it. And that which I DO do, I don't do on a regular basis.
So rather than write this list in my little notebook that I carry around with me, I decided to put it into words on my blog. Some of this stuff may sound a little ridiculous, but even simple things escape me sometimes, especially in stressful times (like now).
- Take a shower at least every other day.
- Paint my fingernails occasionally and remove old polish when it starts to chip.
- Keep toenails clipped and occasionally painted.
- Apply Retinol cream under eyes every night.
- Keep eyebrows groomed.
- Re-vamp wardrobe.
- Wash face before bed, even if it just means using those face wipe things.
- Play around with clip in hair extensions I got.
- Play around with makeup that I have and see if I can come up with a simple way to wear it on occasion.
- At least wear mascara and lip gloss everyday.
- Wear new, clean underwear every day.
- Before I actually have time/money for my new wardrobe, wear the best outfits I can come up with with what's already in my closet.
- Throw away any and all clothes/socks/underwear with holes or that just aren't flattering at all.
- Wear more skirts/dresses.
- Brush teeth every day, even if I am not going out anywhere.
- Use sleep apnea machine (CPAP) every night.
- Wear perfume everyday that I go to work, even if that means my supply is dwindling.
- Exercise more, eat better.
So, obviously, some of these things are more important than others. I'm not going to try to tackle everything all at one time, even though I feel like most people are able to do these things without consciously thinking about them.
The exercise and eating better are monumental, I know, but those that will probably be the hardest to change. That would make my new wardrobe plan more exciting. But whatever. I need to work on the way I present myself outwardly or I will never feel better about myself inwardly. I really, really can't wait to get some new clothes.
As for getting in the "mood" to wear dresses, I don't know how one does that. I have dresses and skirts that are cute, but I can't seem to ever be in the mood to wear them. It's just so much damned work. I do need to get some slips and pantyhose...maybe if I just bit the bullet and got those things from my clothing budget, I would be more likely to wear the nicer clothes that I already own.
- Shave legs WAY more often. Even though it's winter.
- Floss more often.