Monday, October 10, 2011

Planning a Shopping Spree

If you were trying to "find yourself," what kinds of things would you do?

Would you meditate, do yoga, take up a sport or join a social club of some sort?  Would you write a book, move away to a far off place, give up all of your possessions?

So far, I've gotten a new pet (who still needs a name, people!).  Although I will have to admit that I think part of getting him was to distract myself from finding myself.  But he does bring me a lot of joy (even though he peed in my bed last night)!

One thing I decided today is that I am going to revamp my wardrobe.  It doesn't sound much like something that will help me emotionally, but there is no denying that when you are dressed well, you feel better.  My goal is to get to a point where I only own clothes that I love and that fit me well.

I have a few pieces already that make me feel good about myself, but for the most part, the items in my closet are ill-fitting and make me feel frumpy and ugly.  The pants are too tight and the shirts aren't long enough.  I have way too many black tops (that are all "bleh").

To my credit, I have several nice looking dresses and skirts, but I don't wear them.  My excuse for this is that I don't like shaving my legs, not to mention I don't have any pantyhose without holes in them (and I've gotten to the point where I pretty much have to wear hosiery or else my thighs rub each other raw.  TMI?  Sorry 'bout that).

I pretty much had to filter my closet when I moved away from home, so luckily I have the "best of the best"...(or unluckily, when you consider how "ick" it all is).  At least that means that when I go home in 6 months (or more, whenever it ends up being), I can literally just donate EVERYTHING in there.

I can't decide if I should save a lot and go on a big weekend shopping spree, or just get some pieces here and there.  Wait, scratch that.  (I decided as I was typing!)  I'm going to save a bunch and go on a spree.  That way, I can buy a whole wardrobe that goes together and is interchangeable. No more buying a skirt but never wearing it because I don't have the perfect shirt!

One other decision I have to make is whether to wait and see if I lose any weight or just go ahead and do it now.  Let's be clear-- I am not "actively" trying to lose weight (per se), but I am managing my portions and trying to stop stuffing myself.  Exercise...yeah, not so much.  Maybe someday.

I guess if I got stuff that fit now, I could always have it taken in if I lose enough weight to warrant that.  It's much easier to take things in than to let them out, that's for sure.

So, I'm off to do my budget and plan my shopping spree weekend!  Not sure when it will be, but I will keep you posted!

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