Sunday, October 9, 2011

Needed: Kitty Names!

OK, so maybe I just got this kitten as a way to distract myself from dealing with my real issues.  And so far, it's working.  I've spent lots of money at the pet store lately and I'm still trying to figure out how to keep the kitten food away from the adult cats.

But my distraction still needs a name.  He's a boy and a Russian Blue (or at least mostly a Russian Blue), and I SWEAR I will get a pic of him up here soon.  Suggestions (along with some of my own ideas thrown in) so far have been:

  • Asher
  • Cloud
  • Dusk
  • Dusty
*These first four are from my brother and are (obviously) based on nothing more than the fact that the cat is grey.  He's not the most creative guy you've ever met, to say the least.
  • Sanon (S-anon formed into one word)
  • Doorknob (inside joke for all of us who dislike 12-step programs.  We say, "Oh, so our higher power doesn't have to be God, eh?  Well, in that case, my higher power is a doorknob.")  I could always call him DK for short.
  • HP (for higher power, but it sounds too much like the computer company and besides, if I DO end up following the steps, what good will it do to have a higher power that will DIE eventually?)
  • A couple of names from "Wicked" that I can't remember since I never got to see the show :-(
  • Thatcher (after the Margaret Thatcher quote that I have posted in the signature of all my emails)
  • Rand (duh)
  • Ramsey (after Dave Ramsey, of whom I am a HUGE fan)
  • Fuerza
  • Renova
  • Ferdinand
  • Valentino
  • Ferdinand Valentino
  • Buddha
Ferdinand/Valentino is my husband's idea- something about how the names together mean something to the effect of, "courageous venture/ health in love"...I don't know where he gets this information, but perhaps that is true.  I don't know.  I don't have a baby name book sitting around and I don't care enough to Google it.

I am sure of one thing.  I want the name to be symbolic in some sense of what I am going through right now. I want this growth of this kitten to represent the growth that I hope to achieve.  It may be awhile before I decide upon a name...I guess it doesn't matter much considering he's only 2 months old...and let's be real: how many cats really respond to their name anyway?  My other two respond to my tone of voice way more than their names.

I could always name him COSLAA (Codependents of Sex and Love Addicts).  When people ask his name, they'd probably spell it "Coleslaw," but who gives a shit?  If I corrected them I would have to explain what it all stood for and that's not a conversation I want to have all the time!

I feel like the perfect name just hasn't come to me yet.  When it does, I think I will know.  The co-addict in me really wants to like Ferdinand because my husband really likes it.  But I don't think I do.  Makes me think of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke Francis Ferdinand...I mean, why do I want to be reminded of these people when I think of my cat?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!  I will try to get a pic up soon!

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