Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Day of Ups and Downs

Up: I actually went to my S-Anon meeting.  I got one of the books that has daily reflections.  I felt good that even though I promised myself I would go to two a week, I managed to go to one.  Hey, that's better than zero.

Down: Took Klonopin to help me take a nap.  Not because I was tired, per se, just because I didn't want to deal with...well...anything.

Up: I got a new kitten!  He's a Russian Blue and adorable- about 2 months old.  I told my husband and he didn't get totally pissed (or, if he did, he didn't let on).

Down: As I was walking to the car after getting the kitty, I immediately felt overwhelmed.  Like, what the heck am I doing?  I already have two (not to mention the one and the dog that my husband has at our house).  My cats are already traumatized enough from moving to a new place, and I'm going to bring in a new cat less than a week later?  Am I ready for this?  What if my cats don't like him?  What if he tears up the furniture and carpet and I get totally screwed for my security deposit, plus some?

Up: I read the American Girl Feelings book that my therapist lent me.  (I know, American Girl for a 29-year old?)  But they are pretty cute and address a lot of the issues I'm dealing with.  OK, not the sexaholism, but the identification of feelings, reaching out to people when you need help, etc.  You know, all those things that my family fucked me over on while I was growing up.

Down: Stuffed my face with my Pizza Hut leftovers...then ordered some more Pizza Hut...lord help me!

Up: Seinfeld, The Office, and Futurama reruns.  Pretty good considering I have no DVDs for the DVD player and I have yet to figure out how to connect my computer to the TV to watch streaming videos.

Down: Condo is already getting messy.  It wouldn't take me too long to clean it, I'll admit.  But do I intend to?  Probably not.
So anyway, my biggest dilemma of the day is: WHAT DO I NAME THE KITTY!??!  I'm going to try to post a picture of him (although I just realized that I have my camera but not the battery charger, so we'll see if it's got enough juice left).  His original name is Scooter, but I'm thinking negatory on that one.  Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Olivia!
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I read some of your post here. Sorry to know you're in difficult times now. Having a special place to write all about your feeling is really great. Hopefully everything would turn out better for you :)
